Packaging & Other Services
We offer graphic design services to help you realize your vision. If you have your own design team, we can provide templates and guidelines. If you need more in-depth assistance, we can help you design your logo and packaging from the ground up. Design work that accompanies an order is often done free-of charge, while more intensive jobs might require a fee.
Items like child-proof bags, display boxes, and vials are an essential part of any project. We have an extensive network of vendors and suppliers who can make just about anything you dream up. Let us put these relationships to work for you. We can often negotiate better prices and lower quantities than you might be able to on your own.
Processing & More
There are many steps to bring a product to market. Over the past 20 plus years, we have built relationships in every corner of the industry, from seed to sale. We know growers, processors, distributors, scientists, materials vendors, equipment vendors, legal experts, marketing experts and more. Let us introduce you to our colleagues who can help you conquer any challenges you might face.